My name is Alex and SEO has infested my mind for the last 15 years! However, here’s some honesty coming your way, I am what I consider a failed SEO!

There, I said it!

I can almost hear my mentor yelling from the rooftops, telling me to never admit something like that, because it conveys negativity and a lack of confidence in my ability. But here’s the thing—I don’t see it that way!

I am not saying those sentiments are incorrect, but I feel it is ok to reveal your shortfalls and I think it is very refreshing. I’ve reached my wits’ end trying to be someone I’m not. In fact, I think that’s the very reason why I failed in SEO.

Is using psychology in copywriting to convey expertise and authority really the only way to win over clients? Besides, how often do you come across BIG SEO AGENCIES (while desperately needing their help), only to be scared to pull the trigger because it will likely cost an arm and a leg?

Failing in SEO doesn’t mean I know nothing. In fact, I had the incredible opportunity to be a Virtual Assistant to a top SEO expert renowned in the industry. To this day, I’m still not sure why he chose me to be part of his team, but I seized that chance and learned a tremendous amount over those five years. I felt like I received a cheat sheet, but I lacked the experience and resources to apply the findings effectively, as in SEO, you simply can’t do everything yourself.

To me, SEO is about stages. Everyone with a website is at a different level. An e-commerce site with massive authority might seek out an SEO agency to boost their traffic from 10K to 50K visits a day. However, a small jet washing business might need a more ‘hand-held’ approach, with explanations about why their site isn’t progressing due to a lack of authority.

This is where I feel my place on the SEO circuit is—somewhere in-between these stages!

I don’t have all the answers, but it’s important to me that people feel they can approach me without the anxiety of feeling pressured into spending large sums of money!